When I was around three years old I sat
on my grandfather's lap. He would talk to me about many things, but
one subject that persists in my memory is when he would talk about
God. He would tell me how God created the universe and everything in
it. He began by asking me “Do you see the trees outside? Do you
know where they came from?” I would ask where they came from and he
would say any number of things that a three-year-old could understand
and then say “Do you know where all of that came from?” I would
then ask where it came from. Finally he said that “God made
everything.” I then asked, “But, grandpa, who made God?” He
would respond that no one made God and that God was never made or
created. I would persist, “But where did he come from?” He would
respond “He was always there before everything else.”
Certainly I was confused—I had just
gotten my head around contingency (for you adults here): that
something comes from something else. Now I was told that there was
something that always was. Despite my confusion and repeatedly asking
the questions “But where? How?” my grandfather reinforced the
answer. Whether I was tired of the answer or, more likely, I accepted
the answer, I moved on.
Unless you become like a little child you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. |
Some may take this moment to be the
favorable or regrettable turning point where God was firmly placed in
my mind. He was no longer just a name or some chimera, but something
so great he defied common logic and experience—sometimes children
understand this better than we adults.
Even if I did not believe in God, or if
I had forsaken the faith my ancestors strove to protect, the answer I
accepted puts me above the great number of adults who pose the
question “Then who made God?”(as if it were triumph of secular
reason). From the commonly educated to Oxford Professors of Physics,
adults pose this question, and others like it, with confidence and a
sort of smug satisfaction that could only make my three-year-old self
ask “Why don't you just listen?” If one is to engage in a debate
or discussion with anyone who has a reasonable (or for others,
“considerate”) belief in God, they owe it to them to accept their
definition at least as their [the “theist's”] starting
Many find this answer “God is
uncaused” as a cop-out or a microcosm of faith—or rather the
idiocy, apathy, irrationality, or indoctrination of that faith. These
wise spectators are quick to taut physics and various explanations of
the universe as the superior way. They treat those who believe as
dreamers; they consider themselves pioneers and careful
investigators. One can discover this disposition in many of them in
some form, for once you press the issue that someone truly believes
in God you may get a response such as “They can believe in what
they want, but I'll stick to science and reason.”
They eat this stuff up. Then again, Mr. Russell believed that all "ideologies" were like a religion which served to make one dependent and fearful. Neither reason nor science have ever been used that way, reports claim. |
Yet despite anthropic principles,
multiverse theories, etc. which claim to answer the questions of “why
are we here” and “why is the universe/earth/etc. so supportive of
complex life,” these responses simply produce something else that
demands explanation. Now that we've conceived of a multiverse where
various constants (for each universe) are different we presently have
a multiverse that is unexplained—on what grounds do the constants
rise that allow for a multiverse that produces a universe like ours?
However fascinating the discoveries are and however deeply we probe
the mechanisms of the universe our answer has only answered “how”
and not “why” in the fullest sense.
With science silent on the answer that
some adherents claim it satisfies, many of these intellectuals give
their intellectualism over to a sort of religious tagline
(derogatory in their sense): “We'll figure it out eventually.”
I almost figured out this game. Didn't mean I understood it. |
In ancient times those in the cult of
Dionysus might become drunk on wine to achieve/feel greater unity
with the god. Today, many in the cult of Science become drunk on
progress in hopes that they will understand everything, perhaps some
wish to control it too. They give it praise and protect it zealously
should anyone slander its good and holy name.
The face of one who has made the breakthrough discovery that religion is stupid. |
Many of these sober men of science
become drunk on the prospect of what we can and may understand. No
doubt that there is pleasure in understanding and there is something
noble about the human spirit trying to understand the world he lives
in. But then these men forget themselves and more often forget what
others had said about God in all sobriety. Men of science treat the
answer “God” as a “god of the gaps” with chilling efficiency
and simply shake their heads at the notion, “Those who do not
wish to understand respond with 'God', those who know better answer
something else.” They rarely pause—they're in such a
frenzy—to consider that the one who answers 'God' believes that He
is the foundation for all other inquiry and not merely the answer for
what we can not understand. The scientists of the 12th-17th
centuries sat perfectly content with a crucifix on the wall and an
experiment on their tables. Such convictions continue even today.
Big Bang theory, anyone? (Georges Lemaitre) |
Many of those who put forth a
scientific or secular idea of the whole, however, are often convinced
in the notion that they are supported by evidence and facts—in some
ways they hold that they rely on facts and evidence alone. While it
is true that the make use of facts and data, some of them must
be aware that facts, proofs, and likelihoods as they stand offer no
reason for us to reflect on them, i.e., how they affect us as users
of those facts. Many forget that “facts,” however one wishes to
define them, has two aspects: 1) what they convey and state and 2)
how they are used. Those who rely on facts alone have no ground in
those same facts on how to make use of them. At the least, those who
believe in God have ground to consider what he does with the
discoveries of nature in our world.
Certainly those who do not believe have
grounds upon which they decide how to use what they find, it's
just not upon the fact that they discovered. It is usually some other
“fact” or ideology that organizes what they find. Eventually we
find that it isn't grounded in facts, as such, but rather some
disposition that they hold as a matter-of-fact. At this point we may
dispute who has better grounds to argue this or that, but it won't be
found purely in science or empirical observation.
God is not the answer to how or why for
me in a mundane sense, he is the reason and authority upon whom we
may ask and answer how and why. One has only to read the end of Job
and see the wisdom of the Jews: “Where were you when I founded the
earth? … Who determined its size; do you know? … Have you ever in
your lifetime commanded the morning and shown the dawn its place for
taking hold of the ends of the earth” (Job 38:4, 5, 12). We are not
in charge of the universe, we dwell in it—fragile, weak, dependent.
Anyone who ridicules belief in God by bringing up scientific or
naturalist explanations should reflect on the book of Job and what it
says about a belief in God.
Those who believe that we stop with God
have stopped themselves from thinking, or they have rather stopped
themselves from listening. Creation comes from the creator. We cannot
understand the creator fully, but Scripture relates to us what we may
extract from creation about Him: creation was made out of love,
creation was made as good, and creation was made to be both lived in
and known.
God founded the earth so that we may
live in it and appreciate it. We appreciate the earth through
nourishment, beauty, and understanding. Though it is not the purpose
of this piece to discuss evil, we may even learn about the creator in
our reflection of evil, imperfection, and tragedy. We must confront
ourselves about tragedy and loss, asking why it exists and asking
ourselves if it is really unnecessary. Regardless of anyone's answer
it is grounds for reflection “is suffering natural or unnatural?”
The crucifix stands as an answer for you to interpret, but also
stands as an answer that goes beyond a simple yes or no.
"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together ... In him all fullness was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the blood of his cross, whether those on earth or those in heaven" (Colossians 1:17, 19-20) |
When arguing about God it helps to
listen rather than react. Here we can learn virtue from children who
trust even when they do not understand. They are trusting but they
are not forced to remain ignorant. Those who teach children not to
believe also rely on them trusting you and what you believe is true.
The trust of a child should never be taken for granted. But when we
become adults we are confronted with adult understandings. As adults
we should listen as well as a child (odd as it sounds) and learn to
accept what the other is saying, rather than reduce one's belief in
God to their own disbelief in God—that's being childish,
ironically a common vice among adults.
Is belief in God a “god of the gaps”
or a surrender of reason? For countless generations and myself it
isn't. For me it is the beginning of wonder: someone who is outside
the commonly observable, the foundation of all being, and ultimate
simplicity. Must I account for where He came from? At that point
we're no longer speaking about the same God.